Thursday, June 21, 2012

love should never be a secret

but my love doesnt have time for me
and it hurts when i think about it

so i try not to be all "teenager by the phone in the weeks leading up to the prom"
listening to my giddy schoolmates talk of their proposed plans
who they turned down
what they will wear
i am grateful she was ever in my life
but as the scale reads lower and lower numbers
my engine starts to rev a little more
with each breath of delicious sweet air i grow closer to my personal decade of love
im dialing the time machine for the 60's

dont choo want somebody to live?
dont choo need somebody to love
u better find somebody to love

so what i did to help was enlisted the interwebs
i put an ad up at a place called sparks dot com
it was free
i waste time writing bullshit all the time
just another word dump for my brain
as i started typing i was trying to find myself the canadian girl of my dreams
i love nova scotia
my mom half jokingly says i should marry one, a canadinadian that is
so she can get citizenship there
and since ive always tried to please my mom by following her strangest ideas, this will be the new strange way i please my mommy


this does not supercede the love i already have in my heart for a certain stewardess from chicage
shes already deeply enmeshed in my heart and soul and will be forever
but my love is like a corvette that sits in a garage under a dust cloth
only driven on saturday evening
when driven it is a drag race though
this high performance love beast is put to the test
which is part of the love
and the other part is her laugh
and the other part is how impossible she is

so a native american hottie who left no details about her on her post hit a button in her teepee in michigan that enables the flirt feature of this website
she cleverly hid her email address in her profile
so thats all i need to start trying to fall in love again....
at least thats what i went with in this fun email
love should be fun
if im fucking with her head here its because thats the kind of person i am
fun and playful and finding the line and stepping over it

greetings from pennsylvania.....

from your profile i can see you are a lady shrouded in mystery
or a spy
ya who duck cone, i love it!
whats that like an ice cream cone filled with tastily prepared duck?
is that a native american dish?
i gotta tell you
ill give you dibs on me
just because u are the first to reply
and second because your people were here first and have the ultimate dibs on anything in this country....
thats a very dangerous picture
but im not afraid of beauty
even wild dangerous beauty as suggested by that knowing smile
that smile that says youu know exactly what power you have on the male of the species
thats a flirty smile
thats the kind of smile that demands attention
im not going to just sit here and have you make demands of me!
no sir ee
you have me an an informattional deficit
and michigan, while beuatiful with its great lakes and all, isnt canada
cant you see from reading my profile that im destined to meet and fall for a cnadian woman and live happily ever after?
do your research
get that gorgeous smile away from me before i take further action
so, moving forward then
you got dibs
you have a killer smile that causes mere mortals anguish
i am semi-immune having been close to marrying 2 goddesses in the past
but as a mere demi-god, i still have a weakness for the type of eyes you seem to have in your head
unless you photo-shopped them in, that is
as a quaker from pennsylvania i apologize to you for what the greedy guys who cam thru after william penn signed the treaty with ya'll
he promised to live in peace and harmony as long as the sun filled the sky
the quakers are still all around philly and own the best real estate around
i dont see too many native americans
so maybe you could start asking them for some of your stuff back
because when the treaty was signed you took them at their word
not knowing that they didnt speak for the rest of the clowns from europe
i wonder if there is a legal precedent to the treaty between willlian penn and the native american?
at the very least you should be allowed to come stay in philly for free at some of the quaker properties and we can have a proper date, on the quakers
if you are still readin, bravo!
this is what i do
drink coffee and talk shit
if you want to see how crazy try my blog
which chronicles five years of unemployment
i stopped writing that when i hit 500 posts
my newer thinking is at
nice to have this one-sided conversation with you!
you got my creative juices flowing with those optical nerves of yours
thanks for revving up the impssibility machine